不管你有没有医疗经验, our master’s healthcare degrees can help prepare you for the increasing number of management roles available in this booming industry.
Coursework in our master’s programs is aligned to the American College of 医疗保健 Executive (ACHE) standards. 卫生管理硕士学位是由国家卫生行政委员会认证的 医疗管理教育认证委员会). 这意味着, you’ll gain skills and credentials to take on the business side of healthcare confidently.
好消息是, 你可以在6周的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜中100%在线完成, giving you the flexibility to start school any time of the 一年 and finish on your schedule.
University of Phoenix understands that life happens and that schedules are fluid. 不过别担心,因为我们录下了大师的Q&一个网络研讨会,这样你就可以在你忙碌的生活中观看它. We encourage you to check it out and learn about important topics and commonly asked questions that many potential master’s students have.
在你毕业之前就从你的教育中获得价值. Update your resumé and LinkedIn profile with learned skills when you complete every 5- or 6-week course in our associate, 学士和硕士推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.
您将 12 core courses with program-specific knowledge to help you gain the confidence and skills for a healthcare environment. 这些核心推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜包括:道德营销, 信息学, 领导, 政策和治理, 和更多的.
您将 12 core courses with program-specific knowledge to help you gain the confidence and skills for a healthcare environment. 这些核心推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜包括:道德营销, 信息学, 领导, 政策和治理, 和更多的.
您将 20 core courses with program-specific knowledge to help you gain the confidence and skills for a healthcare environment. 这些核心推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜包括:道德营销, 创业, 信息学, 主要变化, 政策和治理, 战略管理等.
您将 15 core courses with program-specific knowledge to help you gain the confidence and skills for a healthcare environment. 这些核心推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜包括:道德营销, 遵从性基础和领导力, 纠正措施, 政策和治理, 和更多的.
您将 9 core courses with program-specific knowledge to help you gain the confidence and skills for a healthcare environment. 这些核心推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜包括以下主题:社区卫生领导, 沟通和宣传, 环境职业健康管理, 公共卫生政策等等.
了解更多 about programs offered through the University of Phoenix 卫生职业学院.
From scholarships to transfer credits and federal financial aid for those who qualify, 支付学费和节省学费的方法有很多种.
“我得到了自信的礼物, and the realization that my dream to get a degree in the healthcare management field was possible.”
BSHA 2016
Over 1 million alumni have earned their degrees while balancing work, school and life. 你能吗?.
一旦你选择了你的学位推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, 从我们的日历中选择你的开始日期, apply for free and register before the deadline (usually one week before the program starts). 然后你会和注册代表谈话,开始上课.
我们的学院院长专注于开发与职业相关的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. They bring industry experience to the classroom and lead a faculty of academic professionals with one goal in mind—to help you earn the skills you need to pursue your career.
The 卫生管理硕士 (MHA) program is programmatically accredited by the 医疗管理教育评审委员会.
The program length for our traditional master’s programs ranges from 1 - 2.5年. 然而, 你的完成时间会受到其他因素的影响, including eligible transfer credits and any breaks in your studies at the University. 拥有以能力为基础的卫生管理硕士学位, you can leverage relevant work experience and skills to earn your degree in less than a 一年.
Having a master’s degree has become an increasingly important way to gain the knowledge and critical skills today's workers need to stay competitive in growing fields like healthcare. The US Bureau of Labor Statics projects that that job growth for medical and health services managers are 预计增长速度将高于平均水平 - 2021年至2031年期间,这一比例为28%.所以如果你想积累知识和职业相关技能, 医疗保健在线硕士学位可能会有所帮助.
*The BLS Projected Growth for 2021-2031 is published by the US 劳工统计局. 这些数据反映了劳工统计局对全国(而非地方)状况的预测. These data points are not specific to University of Phoenix students or graduates.
是的! University of Phoenix has been continually accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (hlcommission.org)自1978年起. 另外, our 卫生管理硕士 (MHA) program is programmatically accredited by the 医疗管理教育评审委员会.
是的,你可以 转移符合条件的学分 如果你就读的大学是一个被认可的机构.